Facebook Now Has Over 2 Billion Active Users

This certainly came faster than we expected but right now, the world's largest social network Facebook now has 2 Billion Users.

This comes exactly 13 years after the social networking service was created, and just 5 years after it crossed the 1 billion monthly users mark.

 "Each day, more than 175 million people share a Love reaction, and on average, over 800 million people like something on Facebook," said Mike Nowak, Product Director at Facebook. "More than 1 billion people use Groups every month."

Facebook is celebrating the milestone by launching a 'Good Adds Up' personalized video that you can create/edit and share

Also, "whenever you react to a friend’s post with Love, wish someone happy birthday or create a group, you will see a message in News Feed thanking you."
The Good Adds Up page also features fun facts about how people are contributing to the community.
